Welcome to Digital.Soul.Networks, it's a small project that I hope it will grow bigger in the near future, this site has been hosted on Blogger, and domain name was by co.nr. In this Blogging-Site I'll provide a free great stuff from all kind of categories, such like Entertainment (Games), Graphics (Photo/Video Editor), Programs (Useful Freewares), Multimedia (Music/Video Players and Editors), Business (Making money online), Reviews (About websites, news and updates), Websites (Some handy sites), Tutorials (Best education/tutorials/courses websites), Anime (Videos/Music/Movies and Episodes), Socials (Social networking websites and other related websites) Drivers (Updates and Downloads)... and so much more. Remember that they're are completely legal. (This site will not be for illegal purposes, unlawful, harassing, libelous, abusive, threatening, harmful, vulgar, obscene, or adult materials) I hope you will enjoy your stay, and don't hesitate to tell your friends about this blogging-site, and feel free to comment, or to send a massage, if you want to ask/request/or share, just send it to this e-mail address digitalsoulnetworks@gmail.com. Enjoy! :) Admin, Nickname: "Exalt"
Hello folks :), I see some people have visited my Blog, this is a good news, but I have some points here that I would like to share! As you can see, this Blog contains free stuff, and I'm doing my best to make it better and better, but I have some favors that I would like to ask: would you please try to click some on the ads on the blog? I'm not forcing you to do that but unfortunately I need some money to finish my studies, that's why I created this Blog. It's just a favor, and thank you very much if you did. And... yeah, try to post some comment, taking and leaving is not nice, yo'know :( that would share me up to know there are some people who care! :) That's all for now!

How to enable Windows Aero and Windows Flip 3D

This is issue is very common, it happens after an automatic upgrade, updates or install some applications that can harm graphics settings, I got the same problem when I tried to update a driver through a program (I advice not to use any program to update your drivers, it's better for you to update them by yourself, it's easy and safe, if you don't know how to do that then look at the end of the post to know how)
After installing some applications, the Windows Aero Glass and Windows Flip 3D turned disabled, if you google that problem you will see many sites and forums discuss about this problem, and unfortunately no one of solutions worked fine (which they're very diffecult), till I found a simple site that provide a simple solution.

If you got that problem, then here's the solution!
Follow these steps:

1) To enable windows aero – click here to download the modified registry file.

2) Download the file to your desktop, unzip it and move the .reg file directly on your desktop (not in a folder).

3) Right click the .reg (On Desktop) file and click Merge.

4) Click on the Run button when the Security Warning pops-up.

5) Click on Continue (UAC), Yes, and then OK when prompted.

6) Logoff and logon or restart the computer to apply the changes.

7) When finished you can delete the .reg file.

To restore everything to its original state and disable the windows aero feature simply download this registry file and do the same as you did with the one above.

Thanks to Matty!

I suggest to visit that site, some many useful things you will find there! :)

How to update your drivers? (Windows Vista)
I will use my Computer (Vista Ultimate) for example:

First, go to Control Panel - Click on Device Manager

A list of devices will appear, check the Screenshot

Then chose a device, right-click and choose Update Driver Software

Windows will ask you: How do you want to search for driver software?
1- Search automatically for updated driver software
2- Browse my computer for driver software

I suggest you to use the first option and let the windows search for any new updates, if there's any available update, it will be installed automatically, if there's not, it will tell you that your driver is up to date.

Hope that it was usual, I will welcome any comment.


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